TK-World AG Network marketer of the future
TK-World AG Network marketer of the future
Online trading
Tailor-made strategies and digital processes are aimed at optimizing your online trade and making your marketing as convenient as possible.
Specialist retail
Customer-oriented solutions, digital processes and holistic partner support make your network marketing future-proof – at the point of sale and online.
Specialized retail
Customer-oriented solutions, digital processes and holistic partner support make your network marketing future-proof – at the point of sale and online.
Online retail
Tailor-made strategies and digital processes are aimed at optimizing your online trade and making your marketing as convenient as possible.
TK-World AG Network marketer of the future
Online trading
Specialized retail
Customer-oriented solutions, digital processes and holistic partner support make your network marketing future-proof – at the point of sale and online.
Discover the future of network trading
For over two decades, we have successfully connected the online and offline worlds of network distribution. Particularly in internet and landline distribution, we have celebrated many successes. Our goal is to continue setting new standards with intelligent solutions and digital processes in the future.
Smart solutions + digital processes + manual craftsmanship
A contradiction? No, this is exactly what defines us. We have the right tools for efficient distribution ready for every marketer and every provider — and if not, our developers work directly on a customized solution. Whether it’s an ordering process for existing customers and fiber optic pre-orders in expansion areas or marketing a complex product through our specialized retailer network—we achieve every goal! The most important tools are interfaces. If interfaces are not (yet) available for a project, skilled craftsmanship is required. With our OrderTeam, we have a reliable processing solution for every type of order.
Efficient online + multichannel marketing
We are further expanding our online business while keeping a close eye on the brick-and-mortar retail sector! Omni- and multichannel marketing is the key here. We develop solution-oriented services and tools, such as “My CustomerCloud” and “SmartOrderPro,” to facilitate customer care and simplify order generation, thereby maximizing the success of our retailers. Additionally, our nationwide dealer network “anschlussberater” benefits both our retailers and the providers and end customers. To learn more and become a partner of TK-World, discover the TK-World Partnerprogramm.
Full support for the point of sale
Full support for the point of sale
TK-World is digital by tradition. Digital marketing is therefore a priority. The current focus of our in-house development is our multilingual white label store system for your network marketing incl. individual incentives, interface connection (availability checks, product recommendations, cross-selling) and daily updated product and promotion maintenance. With our white label store system, we are able to implement your individual campaign or offers tailored to your target group in a store with your own brand. You can find all the important information about our solutions and services here: Online marketing with TK-World
TK-World is
As an innovative telecommunications company, we are particularly passionate about fiber optics, which is an exciting challenge for us. Through partnerships with major network operators, we have introduced online ordering and pre-order platforms and provided our retail partners with locally optimized fiber optic landing pages.
Our recent partnership with Deutsche Glasfaser GmbH has expanded our portfolio and given us the opportunity to act as the first distributor. Soon, the first online shop in collaboration with this network provider will also go live.
Furthermore, we offer training sessions at our location in Paderborn to expand knowledge about fiber optic technology. As a fiber optic hub, we are committed to advancing this cutting-edge technology and supporting our partners in their growth.
„Good News“
Trainee start 2024
We are pleased to welcome three new apprentices to our team this year, who are eager to start their careers with us. Magdalena, Sidney, and Christopher will be supporting the back office and development department, bringing their individual interests and strengths to the company. We’re glad to have you with us!
High up!
More Space for Innovations – We Are Building
Since spring, construction has been in full swing at our location in Oberes Feld, Paderborn. Our building is being expanded by two additional floors and an elevator. We have opted for sustainable wooden prefabricated elements for the materials. We are excited to see the results!
Our TK-Blog
Do you want to stay up-to-date with the latest in telecommunications? In our TK-World Blog, you will find everything you need to know about your distribution. Get informed about the latest promotions and products from network operators and receive exclusive marketing tips.
1&1 Summer Special
The latest cell phones, powerful all-net flat rates and free buds with every Android phone!
Summer party 2024 ☀
Once again this year, many colleagues and their families came together for the big TK-World/spectrum8 summer party.
Deutsche Glasfaser: September Fiber News
A lot is happening at Deutsche Glasfaser in September. There are two great promotions for customers in the construction and post-marketing phase and your business customers will also benefit!